Te Whare Pukapuka o Te Kura o Glenview
About Us...
Ā tātou kōrero
Our modern library complex provides plenty of space and resources for more than one class at a time. Children are able to read quietly on couches, make use of the lego, Maths games & jigsaws, search and locate information on reference computers and browse the extensive variety of texts. Its is the hub of our Information Landscape.
Ms Hobson
Learning Centre Co-ordinator / Kaiārahi o Pātaka Mātauranga
Welcome to Glenview School Library's Website! Any questions, feel free to email me or give me a call. Read below to see what kind of fun things we have in our lovely learning centre...
Nau mai, haere mai ki te Paetukutuku o Te Whare Pukapuka o Te Kura o Glenview. He pātai tāu, Tukua te imera, te waea rānaei. Pānuitia mai, kia kite ai ngā mahi pai o te Pātaka Mātauranga...
- He Taonga whakataetae
- Whaikīngi
- Kemu Pāngarau
- Pangahono
We have regular competitions for prizes and maths games, chess & jigsaws to play with.
Te Rua ataata -
nau mai,
whakarongo mai !
During break times we have Storytime Online playing - come and have a listen!